Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jay Wilson Story (Rehabilitation)

Character creation; Jay Wilson

Full name and nickname

Jay Wilson

Exact age and D.O.B

 12th July 1993


Physical appearance

-       5”11, African American, typical ‘Chav’ clothes, full track-suit, box hat and diamond earring.

-       Skinny with a lot of scars on his body.

Marital status

-       Single, due to disrespect, women prefer to stay away from him


-       Luton, London, England.

Familial relationships

-       Lives with his ill mother, they hardly talk because Jay shows her no respect.


-       Jay has no GCSE’s because he got kicked out of school in the start of year 11 due to assaulting a teacher. He is not in any other form of education.


-       Jay has no job, because of his lack in education and foul manners he is despised in the world of work.

Political and social beliefs

-       Jay has no politically correct beliefs, nor does he have social. He believes that it’s all about gangs.


-       His morality is frowned upon because of his terrible language and anger that puts jay in a very violent position

Personal traits- negatives +positives

     Positives- Jay has no positive traits; everything he does makes him look like a bad person.

     Negatives- angered easily, no fear of people, or the law. He swears, smokes drugs and preforms illegal actions such as stealing, vandalism etc.


-       Jay’s mannerisms vary; he goes from caring about his gang, to trying to fight them over the smallest things.  

Financial status/ social class-

 -he lives off his mother’s money.

  - Social class is low.

First love-

-       Jay’s first and only relationship/love is a girl names Shannon back when Jay was only 15. Jay just goes to parties and sleeps with whoever he can.

Best friends etc.

-       Jay’s small gang are the only friends he has, but even at most times they don’t like him.

Enemies –

-       Pretty much most people, even his own friends tend to hate him because of the things he does.

Greatest fear is-

 Jay doesn’t really have a fear, if anything, he is his own fear. With his attitude issues and bad behaviour, he sometimes find himself scared by what he does.

Short brief;

Jay Wilson is probably a parent’s worst nightmare, with no respect, manors or emotion towards anyone except himself, he is a reckless mess. Jay often flips when people try and confront him for doing things they don’t see as acceptable; that’s why he got kicked out of school.

Jay is the type of person if you saw walking towards you after dark, you would turn around and walk away. He’s frowned upon in his town for the things he does such as mugging anyone, from a child to an old age person. He has no remorse which makes him one of the hardest characters to like. In fact, a huge dislike generates in in other people’s eyes, despising him for what and who he is.

Film Brief

Jay Wilson

Age; 16-19

Power; Stop time, but if he touches people he puts them in a leathal pain.

Characteristics; Violent, no justice, hangs around in gangs and fights. Spits a lot, and swears/confronts at any person who looks at him funny.

Jay Is an African- American male between 16-19 years old, he is a stereotypical teenager in the suburbs of London, with a reputation of being very violent and careless he is not a person you would want to meet on the street.

Clashing into a fight with a man, who at sight could be thought to be in his late twenties, Jay attempts to brutally beat up the man because he felt confronted; which is not something that is taken lightly in the ‘back-streets’. After being beaten up, Jay, back to the ground, belly to the heavens, is dragged into a house. Un-able to help himself, he is tied down by the man be tried to assault.

Waking up next to a garbage bin, late at night; Jay scurries along the ground until he can find something he can pull himself up on. Feeling violently ill, disorientated, he passes out, waking up in an emergency hospital unit struggling to breathe.

After a full recovery, Jay continues life as normal. Avoiding fights for a while because of his unstable body condition. 

Whilst hanging out with his friends, he begins to rage, getting annoyed because a new person of the group is attempting to aggravate Jay, the tension builds up, and at the point he snaps, everything freezes. Time stops, along with every person around.

Shocked, Jay walks around, looking at everyone, nudging them to see if they’re joking or not. With-out the slightest move, his friends were all in a solid state.

Jay realises that something weird had happened when he was tied up after his fight.

He struggles to come to terms by the fact he can stop time.

Jay uses his power to his advantage, stopping time he steals a small corner shop of all their cigarettes, alcohol and money. After this, his hands begin to burn, burn so much its unbearable. After calming down, time resumes itself – Jay makes his way home. On entrance his mother approaches him asking what he has in his bag. An argument arises, and he accidently pushes his mother, with this, she falls to the ground in a mass of agony.

Dropping to his knee’s he is in shock, he does not understand what is going on. He calls an ambulance in order to get her sorted out, but by the time they arrive she’s dead.

The story continues by Jay tracking down the man who he believes cursed him, after finding him, the man explains that he has to use his power for good purposes and change his ways. On completion of that, he will be free of his curse, the lethal touch. 

The film show’s Jay’s attempts to change, with harsh reality as a brick wall facing him, crime and gangs are going to be the hardest change he’ll have to make. Through-out the story, We follow Jay, and his attempts and faculties he faces in order to fulfil the quest, using his power for a better purpose, making the streets of London safer for everyone, stopping the current generation from murdering itself.

Facing challenges that will change his life, without a family, or support, he has to become a man and be a role model unto the world, making the point that violence and crime is not the way forward.

This story has two points of view on the super hero factor, one as a moral super hero, saving society from themselves, and two, using his powers to aid himself, and others so he can be a free man again.

Habi    itaion

Here is My Film logo which I created using Microsoft word, along with images I got off Google Images; it took a long process of changing the saturation, brightness and contrast in order to gain the full authenticity.
The reason I have chosen this to be my logo is because it represents the gangs, with the gun, and the first two letters ‘R’ and ‘E’ is a way to emphasis the gangster side of the situation, where I have standard ‘copperplate’ writing, shows that within all the mess and evil, there will prevail a brighter, better side of things. The reason I chose the black and white is to show the good and bad, the black is the main colour because it is showing that anywhere, and everywhere there is evil lurking, but the white comes through as good, a light and hope for anyone. This can be linked to the story line of my film.

Story map;

Characters- Jay Wilson, His gang, Mother, Other Gangs, Girl he meets.

Setting- London, Suburbs, Council Housing block apartments.

Point of view- You see everything from Jay’s point of view, you see the gangs from one of the member’s perspectives, and this introduces a new light onto the topic of gangs and violence.
Plot- Jay is an ‘anti-social’ youth, one day he has a run in with someone he wasn’t expecting to be any different from the last person he beat up. The next day he realises he is cursed, he has to find the guy he beat up, upon meeting him, and the guy explains that Jay has to change his ways in order to break the curse. The story continues to follow jay and his attempts to create a new, better life.

Theme- Changing from a life of crime and violence is like quitting a life of cocaine, the rush of fights give people a thrill.
-       Character against himself.
-       Character against other gangs.
-       Character against his powers and the lack of being able to touch anyone.
-       Character against peer pressure.
-       Character against his friends.

 Meets Jay and his like as an English gangster/chav. Living a life of crime along with drugs. Jay also is first shown losing all his friends.
Rising action –
 Jay gets cursed with two powers, he has to find the guy who cursed him and confront him, whilst doing this, he has no friends, and finds a girl who he grows to love dearly.
Climax –
Changing his ways to become better person, a respected citizen in society.
Falling action,-
 Jay’s curse is lifted and he becomes a well-respected young man.
Resolution –
Jay can be with the girl he wants to be with. Also he is no longer a part of drugs use, or violence.

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